Nourishing Foundations

Thrive in pregnancy and beyond with clear, holistic nutrition guidance in this self-paced, online course

Pregnancy is a powerful time to lay a foundation of health for both mom and baby.

Discover what to eat and how to fuel yourself to actually thrive in pregnancy (and beyond!)

Learn EVERYTHING you need to know about foods to eat (and avoid!) for a healthy pregnancy and a thriving baby

Discover how to minimize the risk of pregnancy complications through diet and lifestyle, and how to manage common pregnancy complaints (nausea and fatigue, anyone?) naturally

Say goodbye to those midnight google sessions with clear, simple guidance that blends evidence-based recommendations with ancient wisdom


4 Hours of Video Lessons

Interactive learning with clear, simplified, holistic nutrition guidance- EVERYTHING you need to know to thrive in pregnancy!

24/7 INSTANT and Lifetime Access to all lessons and resources (including all updates)

Come back to this course for any future pregnancies to get the same in-depth guidance.

Interactive Workbook, Handouts, and Recipes

Supportive handouts like meal plans, recipes, and key takeaways from all lessons to refer back to.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with the quality of the content, or if this course does not meet your expectations, you can request a full refund (see guidelines below)


  • 1.1- Welcome to Nourishing Foundations
  • 1.2- Meditation for a Healthy Pregnancy
  • 1.3- Your Why + Common Barriers
  • 1.4- Healthy Weight Gain + Calorie Needs


  • 2.1- Hydration Strategies
  • 2.2- Macronutrients: Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates
  • 2.3-Nourishing For Two Bonus Strategies


  • 3.1- Common Pregnancy Challenges
  • 3.2- Food Safety + Foods To Avoid
  • 3.3- Herbal Supports for Pregnancy
  • 3.4- Stress + Self-Care

Get Instanst Access to Your Healthiest Pregnancy!

Are you thinking any of these things right about now?

I really don't have time for another online course...

Girl, I hear you. Moms (and moms-to-be) are juggling all the things. That's why I've divided the course up into lessons, ranging from 5 minutes to 45 minutes long, that you can watch and learn in small chuncks, during nap time, or on weekends.

You also have lifetime access to this course, so you can learn on your own schedule with no rush- take all the time you need.

I'm already taking prenatal vitamins, can I just rely on my doctor and google to learn what I need to?

Prenatal vitamins are a great place to start, but this course goes so much deeper with a comprehensive, whole-body approach to nutrition. Prenatal vitamins are not a replacement for a nutrient-dense diet, which is so important for how you feel and function in pregnancy (not to mention for baby's long-term health!).

Doctors are an important part of your birth team, but most doctors have done very little training on nutrition in general, and even less on prenatal nutrition. There are lots of misconceptions still circulating (which we will bust together in this course!) which makes google a very unreliable place to get health advice.

I'm already overwhelmed by pregnancy advice, I don't have brain space for more.

I know, it's the wild-wild-west out there in pregnancy land. That's exactly why I created this course to simplify and clarify the essentials of nourishing yourself well in pregnancy. The focus is on actionable, digestible steps that you can take, and you get to totally avoid the conflicting noise of the mama facebook groups and forums and return to evidence-based practices (with a healthy dose of ancient wisdom) to fuel yourself.

What if I invest in this course and it doesn't actually help me?

Investing in yourself is always a big decision, and I'm so confident and committed to the value in this course that if you are not feeling satisfied and supported after completing the course, you can send me an email to request a full refund within the first 6 months after purchasing. No questions asked, no risk.

The mistake most moms make is to think the "figure-it-out-yourself" route is better and cheaper. What they don't consider is the amount of time, energy, and mental space they waste going down google rabbit holes or trusting folks who don't have the experience and expertise to really guide you on nourishing yourself (and baby!) to thrive.


$ 75

  • Video and audio lesson library

  • Interactive workbook, handouts, and recipes

  • Lifetime access to course materials

  • 100% Money-Back Gurantee

Your investment is fully backed by a 100% Money-Back Gurantee

Investing in yourself is always a big decision, and I'm so confident and committed to the value in this course that if you are not feeling satisfied and supported after completing the course, you can send an email to to request a full refund within the first 6 months after purchasing. I just ask that you provide proof that you completed the lessons and engaged with the material in your refund request.

So what do you have to lose?

Either you feel empowered, healthy, and confident in fueling yourself and your baby in pregnancy, or you get a full refund!

Hi, I'm Martina

Holistic nutrition consultant + health coach for moms

I am on a mission to help busy moms (and moms-to-be!) unlock new energy, break out of overwhelm, and actually thrive in motherhood.

The secret? Pairing nourishing foods with nervous system healing to fuel your body, balance your hormones and blood sugar, and regulate your stress cycles to tap into more vitality, balance, and joy in motherhood.

I always knew I wanted to be a mom, and was so excited to be pregnant. But when the time actually came....I was miserable. I was nauseous, tired, and struggling to function. I was able to tap into my years of experience as a women's health coach and learned hands-on strategies for keeping myself and baby nourished through my pregnancy journey, and now I'm here to share that wisdom with you.

So, what's next?

Enroll in Nourishing Foundations today

Dive into the lessons, workbook, handouts, and recipes to start THRIVING in your pregnancy (and beyond).

Still have questions?

Email - I would love to hear from you.